Leek, Potato and Broccoli Soup

This is a twist on the traditional leek and potato soup, perfect for using up some leftover veg! Quick and easy to make. Makes 6 bowls and takes appox. 55 mins.

1 x medium onion (chopped)
2 x large leeks (chopped)
Half a head of broccoli (chopped)
2 x medium potatoes (chopped)
850ml of veggie stock
280ml of milk
50g butter
Salt & Pepper


- Melt the butter in a large saucepan on a low heat

- Add the onion, leeks, broccoli and potatoes and season with salt and pepper

- Cook on a low heat for 15 mins, until soft

- Add the stock and milk and cook for 30 mins

- Either liquidise or put through a sieve

- Enjoy!


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