Pizza pancake recipe!

This is a fun and easy alternative for homemade gluten-free pizza. Instead of a bread pizza base this uses a pancake base with tomato sauce, sweetcorn and cheese on top. Takes approx. 20 mins to make and serves 1.

For the pancake:
1 x egg
50g gluten-free plain flour
150ml milk
tsp oil
pinch salt
10g butter
For the toppings:
3 x desert spoon sweetcorn from a tin
4 x desert spoon tomato paste/thick tomato sauce (I used Loyd Grossman tomato and basil sauce)
75g grated cheese

- Preheat your oven to 200°C

- Add the flour, egg, salt, oil and 50 ml milk to a blender and blend. Gradually add the rest of the milk until completely mixed together

- Heat the butter in a frying pan and spread evenly across the base of the pan

- Add all of the mixture to the pan (this will make a thick pancake)

- Allow to fry for a couple of mins and flip when ready

- When the pancake is browned on both sides, remove from the pan and carefully place on an oven proof dish

- Evenly smooth on the 4 desert spoons of tomato paste, sprinkle on the sweetcorn and finally top with grated cheese

- Cook in the oven for approx. 5 mins until the cheese is melted



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