Soft-boiled Easter eggs

This is a simple, easy breakfast that my family always make on Easter Sunday to start off the egg themed day! (maybe after we've all eaten a mountain of chocolate...) It takes about 10 mins to make.

2 x eggs
2 x slices of gluten-free bread (in this recipe I used Genius bread, not my favourite but it's good toasted)
butter to spread
pinch salt

- Bring a saucepan of water to the boil, then lower to a rapid simmer

- Gently lower the eggs into the saucepan with a ladle to avoid them cracking from the heat

- Boil the eggs for around 4-5 mins depending on the egg size, you're aiming for a perfect soft boiled egg that has opaque egg white but runny yolk

- While the eggs are boiling, toast your two slices of bread and spread the butter on while they're hot

- Cut the bread lengthways into thin slices

- Remove the eggs from the saucepan with the ladle and place into egg cups carefully using oven gloves - they're hot!

- Slice off the top of the egg and sprinkle on the pinch of salt

Et voila! You have perfect soft-boiled Easter eggs ready for dipping with soldiers!


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