Creamy pasta sauce

This delicious pasta sauce makes a perfect alternative to bolognese! Takes approx. 20 mins to make and serves 2.

75g gluten-free pasta per person   
1/2 small tin sweet corn 
Handful frozen peas 
1 x level teaspoon boullion stock 
280ml of milk 
Splash single cream 
30g gluten-free plain flour 
30g butter 
Grated Parmesan cheese to serve 
Salt and pepper

- Melt the butter slightly in a non-stick saucepan, then add the flour and stir together to make a rue 

- Add the stock, milk and cream and stir for five mins

- Then add the peas and sweetcorn and stir for approx. 15 mins 

- Bring a saucepan of salted water to the boil and cook the pasta for the required time on the packet 

- Season the sauce with salt and pepper and serve with vegetarian Parmesan cheese


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