Baked Potato with Cheesy Leeks

This recipe makes a delicious dinner that can also be halved to make a lunch! Serves 1 and takes approx. 1 hour to make.

1/2 leek, chopped
50g cheese, grated
2 x medium baked potato
Olive oil
Salt and pepper


- Pre-heat the oven to 250°C

- Pierce the top of the potatoes several times with a fork, making sure the fork goes as far in as possible

- Then, microwave them for 3 mins

- Place the potatoes on an oven-proof dish and lightly coat in olive oil

- Sprinkle salt on top and bake for 50 mins

- About 20 mins before the potatoes are done, boil the leeks in salted water

- Once the potatoes have baked, remove from the oven and drain the leeks

- Cut the potatoes in half lengthways and using a desert spoon and scoop fluffy insides into a bowl, leaving the crispy skins empty

- Mix the grated cheese (leave a handful behind), leeks and potato innards together

- Now return the mixture to the potato skins and sprinkle the remaining grated cheese on top

- Bake in the oven at 250°C for a further 10 mins

- Enjoy!


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